If required you can add as many additional modifiers to the modifiers stack automatically generated by the MultiSlicer.

                 &n bsp;                    ;      Example:
The roll controls the position of all of the pieces generated after an object is sliced. The position index number is based on two neighboring-perpendicular axis.

"Z Depth Fade Pos From XY" group parameters are described below. "X Depth Fade Pos From YZ" and "Y Depth Fade Pos From XZ" groups parameters operate in a similar way.

Xp: Controls the position on Z axis respecting the index number on Z and X axis.
Yp: Controls the position on Z axis respecting the index number on Z and Y axis.
Xf: Controls how strong the index number on X axis affects a movement along Z
Yf: Controls how strong the index number on Y axis affects a movement along Z

rnd: Controls how strong the random values (generated by pressing "Z Rand From 0 To" button) affect a movement along Z

piv: Pivot point position on Z axis.
Z piv N:  Sets the pivot point on Z axis to the furthest negative position taking in account the overall size of the sliced object along Z axis.
Z piv P:  Sets the pivot point on Z axis to the furthest positive position taking in account the overall size of the sliced object along Z axis.

                 &n bsp;            Example:
The roll controls wave-based behavior of 6 Slice Modifiers on each piece of the sliced object.

"Z Wave Animation" group parameters are described below. "X Wave Animation" and "Y Wave Animation" parameters are similar.

For slicers on Z axis cutting in a negative direction

Xna: Wave amplitude along axis X
Yna: Wave amplitude along axis Y

Xns: Wave movement along axis X
Yns: Wave movement along axis Y

Xnf: Wave frequency-density along axis X
Ynf: Wave frequency-density along axis Y

Xpa, Ypa, Xps, Yps, Xpf, and Ypf  spinners for slicers cutting on Z axis in a positive direction operate in a similar way

Nr: Wave phase offset for slicers cutting on Z axis in a negative direction. The offset is affected by the random values generated by pressing "Z Rand From 0 To" button.
Pr: Wave phase offset for slicers cutting on Z axis in a positive direction. The offset is affected by the random values generated by pressing "Z Rand From 0 To" button.

                 &n bsp;                    ;      Example:
The roll controls 6 Slice Modifiers on each piece of the sliced object based on the piece index number in the two neighboring-perpendicular axis.

"Z Fade Slicer" parameters are described below. "X Fade Slicer" and "Y Fade Slicer" operate in a similar way.

Xn: Controls the slicer position that cuts on Z axis in negative direction based on the piece index number on axis X.
Yn: Same as Xn, but based on the piece index number on axis Y.

Xof: Accelerates the effect of the index number on X axis.
Yof: Accelerates the effect of the index number on Y axis.

Xp: Same as Xn but in positive direction
Yp: Same as Yn but in positive direction

                 &n bsp;                  Example:
The roll controls 6 Slice Modifiers on each piece of the sliced object and is one of the core places where the idea of Multi Slicer is realized. Each axis has two slicers attached.

"Z Slices Position" are described below ("X Slices Position" and "Y Slices Position" operate in a similar way):

Zn: Controls the slicer position cutting on the Z axis in a negative direction
(only negative values are accepted)

Zp: Controls the slicer position cutting on the Z axis in a positive direction
(only positive values are accepted)

Zm: Synchronously controls the positions of both slicers cutting on the Z axis.

rnd: Controls how strong randomization affects the positions of both slicers cutting on the Z axis.

Z Rand From 0 To: Press this button to generate a random number between 0 and whatever is entered in the spinner, "rnd" mentioned above controls the influence of the randomization.

rot: Synchronously controls the rotation on axis Y of the both slicers cutting on Z axis (controls the rotation on axis X of the both slicers cutting on Y axis, controls the rotation on axis Z of the both slicers cutting on X axis)

rndr: Generates random values for the rotations on the above mentioned axis.

                 &n bsp;                    ; Example:
The roll controls up to 7 basic Modifiers assigned to all the pieces of the
sliced object.
The roll partially copies parameters of the 7 Modifiers gathered in.

                 &n bsp;                    ;     
                 &n bsp;                  Example:
The roll controls up to 4 instances of Symmetry Modifier assigned to all pieces of the sliced object.
The roll partially copies the parameters of Symmetry Modifer gathered in and also adds parameters to move and rotate Mirror Gizmo.

The spinners on the top row control the position of Mirror Gizmo.
The spinners on the bottom row control the rotation of Mirror Gizmo.

                 &n bsp;                  Example:
The roll controls the instance with Path Deform (WSM) assigned on to all pieces of the sliced object.

The roll copies Path Deform (WSM) parameters in whole.

                 &n bsp;                Example:
In certain cases your scene may delay in a feedback, but this is not Multi Slicer limitation.
The delay in a feedback can be a result of extreme number of slicers made out of an object with an average or high number of segments. This leads to a considerable increase in a number of calculations that Slice and Cap Holes modifiers must perform.
The initial segmentation also affects slicers' topology.

                 &n bsp;                    ;              Example:
-------------------- Multi Slicer Pro manual created by Vugar Naib in 2013 --------------------